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2013 Istanbul transportation exhibition
 Jun 05, 2013|View:1072

We have just taken part in 2013 Istanbul transportation exhibition. Following is the pictures of the stand

About Intertraffic Istanbul

Intertraffic Istanbul is the ultimate trade and information sharing platform for the traffic sector of Turkey, Eurasia and the Gulf region. The exhibition takes place every two years and had 5,784 visits from attendees of 94 countries in 2013, with 30% of visitors coming from outside Turkey.

Why visit Intertraffic Istanbul?

  • 200+ exhibitors, strong international participation

  • Overview of the most innovative traffic technology products and services

  • Excellent opportunity to find manufacturers in search of distributors and vice versa

  • Complimentary IRF Road Safety Training

  • Attend company presentations in the Intertraffic Theatre

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