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Reflective vests ensure the traffic safety at night
 Feb 17, 2020|View:1068

On February 2, 2020, at the critical moment of national prevention and control of the "COVID-19" epidemic, our company leveraged

its product advantages, led by the Changzhou Development and Reform Commission, and donated 102,000 reflective vests to the

Changzhou Epidemic Prevention and Control Emergency Headquarters , To help Changzhou City epidemic prevention and control.

The batch of materials has been donated in full from the morning of the 2nd to the morning of the 4th, and the materials will be uniformly

deployed and distributed by the municipal government to the districts, cities and relevant departments. It is reported that the reflective

vest has been distributed to the front line, realizing the special coverage and use of the donated materials in Changzhou.

reflective vest link

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